have you felt the call?

You know you need to use your voice and gifts to righteously influence the world. 

Start a blog, a podcast, a Facebook group…whatever! The possibilities are endless. 

Whether you have been sharing goodness online for years, or are just starting out, this e-book shares the tools you need to overcome the most common obstacles you’ll face!

do any of these obstacles sound familiar to you?

General Fear

Fear of Offending

Fear of Inauthenticity

Lack of Money & Knowledge

✓ Lack of Family Time

Lack of Time in the Day

Promotional & Preachy

Lack of Confidence

Spiritual Obligation

Online Saturation

Sound familiar? They should!

I asked hundreds of women just like you what their most common obstacles to sharing their voice with the world were, and these were at the top of their lists.

So join me today in overcoming these obstacles so you can bring light and truth to others. The world needs you!

Overcoming Obstacles Ebook

Copyright © 2020 Becky Squire – All Rights Reserved