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SPISE up your motivation + free printable.

Today I am sharing this cute little tip that has helped me stay focused and motivated in every aspect of my life.  My mother shared it with me years ago and I have kept it with me, but never really used it consistently until recently.

You basically have 5 parts to your essence: Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Social, and Emotional…aka SPISE!  After you have discovered these 5 things, it’s time to think and plan how you can develop each one.

Here are some examples:

Spiritual:  Pray or read your scriptures more consistently.  Do it as a family.  If you are doing it a few times a week, do it every day.  If you are doing it every day, put more heart and soul into it.  Put aside time each day to just be quiet and listen.

Physical:  Exercise!  Maybe you already are.  Push yourself harder.  Make goals and work toward them.  Eat better.  How long has it been since you’ve had a physical?  Get your flu shot.  Get out and play with your kids.

Intellectual:  Read a book.  Take a class or finish earning that degree.  Stay updated on current events.  Learn a new skill.

Social:  Take treats to the new neighbor.  Visit a family member or friend.  Write a letter to someone you love.  Smile!

Emotional:  Meditate.  Think about how you are treating others and even yourself.  It all stems from your emotions.  React with patience and love in all of your relationships.

Obviously this is such a personal thing which means there are a million different examples out there.  Only you know where you can improve in these areas.  Hopefully this little tip will help you like it has me.  I have included a FREE printable if you want to stick these in your planner, on your mirror, or use as a bookmark!  Just click the image to download.


I use my checklist each week to write down what I hope to accomplish in each area.  I would love to know how this little tip has worked for you!  Good luck!

Click HERE to download the free printable!

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