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My word of the year: 2017

word of the year

I have spent the last several days thinking about what one word I wanted to define my coming year.  It’s easy for me to make a list of resolutions, but it’s also easy for me to forget about or even break those resolutions.  Choosing one word is different.  It creates focus.  There’s no list to be left unchecked or forgotten.  You simply try to implement your word to each day and each situation.


There were several words that came to mind.  But the word I decided I really wanted to focus on is Stand.  This past year has taken me to places I never imagined.  I’ve seen great sorrow, heartache, hopelessness, and desperation (and I’m not even talking about the election, haha.)  I’ve been shaken to the core while needing to stay strong for others.  And there’s nothing I want more than to help others.  That’s a big reason I started this blog.  And I’ve realized as I try to help others up, I need to already be standing.

Standing also reflects a tone of confidence.  This has been something I have really been trying to accept within myself.  Probably one of my biggest insecurities is my credibility.  Why would anyone want to listen to what I have to say?  If they knew my background, they would surely scoff and roll their eyes.  I want to get over that insecurity.  I need to stand up for my knowledge and opinions, whether people agree with me or not.

So here I stand.  I stand for myself, for my values, my beliefs, my family — and I stand for you.  When you feel like you can’t stand any longer I am here to stand with you.

What is going to be your word of the year?  Tell me in the comments!


Mulling Over My Morning Coffee
Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

7 Responses

  1. I adore you word and the reasoning behind it! I’m doing something a little different this year and choosing one word each week.

  2. I don’t know what my word will be for next year but I do know I love this post! I am so glad to have you as my bestie!

  3. Oh i love this word! Stand can mean so much and really take shape as the year progresses!!! Thanks for linking up 🙂 Love your blog!!!

  4. Yes, my friend!!! Oh, how I relate to the credibility thing. Especially as a blogger. Sometimes I feel like I’m trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes because, like you said, who would want to listen to me? But one thing I learned through my year of focusing on the same word you just chose is that everybody’s experience gives them credibility. I may not have advanced degrees, but I have a lifetime of experience that has brought me to where I am now. And that counts for something!! My story is the very thing that gives me a voice. And standing in defense of what my story has taught me is one of the most gratifying things I have ever done. Even when it scared me to death to do it!

    Keep standing, girl!! It is terrifying and liberating all at the same time.

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