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Marriage Unmasked: Al Fox Carraway


I am so excited to have this guest on Unmasked today, a series where I interview different women on their personal relationship with either marriage or motherhood.  Today I am featuring Al Fox Carraway.

Al is an LDS convert, blogger, award-winning speaker, and author to best selling book, “More Than the Tattooed Mormon.”  I asked her a few questions about her marriage, and she had some awesome things to say and advice to share!

al fox carraway

1. How do you keep your marriage happy?

“Always have time for love.” Best advice and practice we do! Literal and physical.  Do *new things together. Do the menial things together—like grocery shopping. Make out sessions every day. Tell stupid jokes (well, mine are cuz I’m not funny, he’s funny though!) & not to take everything so serious. Be open about goals and ideas. Cheers your cups together before eating. And always, always pray together holding hands.

2. What is a unique tradition you have with your husband?

We always look for ways to be in the car longer together. We take the long way home. And random day trips that aren’t too local to us. We’d be happy driving 2 hours to a random Mexican restaurant we found off Google and then driving home. We love being in the car together—it’s where we have our best conversations!

3. What is something you struggle with as a wife?

When I’m upset I put my feelings before his sometimes. Because if I’m upset, I want him to know I’m upset and why I’m upset before talking about how he’s feeling or let him talk.

4. What encouragement or advice do you have for others dealing with the same thing?

You are not better than your spouse and your feelings aren’t more important than theirs. Cuz you’re a team, and you are both humans and both of your feelings are both valid, even if you don’t understand them, because they are already happening. Sometimes let them talk or vent or share their thoughts and feelings first. And always pray before talking about important things—even if they are small things that means something to either of you guys. You’ll be calmer and more productive and more sensitive to each other on things you might not feel or understand.

5. Why is marriage important to you?

This is the source of the greatest happiness I have come to know! (And that is a HEFTY statement coming from the most independent person under the sun who never wanted to get married and thought I wanted to do everything on my own).

Life is better experienced with someone.
Experiences are richer when shared.
Trials are easier as a team.
Strength is there when you are weak.
Humor is perfectly there for the good & the bad.
Change of course is more of an adventure when not alone.
Learning new things from them and with them is magic.
And the growth over the years are the gems of life.
And I intend it to last forever. And my forever is important to me.

You can find more about Al on her Facebook page or her blog.

{To get a FREE copy of “28 Days to Relationship Goals, click HERE}
{And click HERE to get the book that transformed my marriage!}

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