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The Easiest Meal-Planning System Ever!

meal planning

A few weeks ago I shared on my Instagram stories the super easy and quick way I do my weekly meal-planning.  This method seriously takes me about 2 minutes to plan my entire menu.  It definitley beats my old way of looking through Pinterest, cook-books, etc. to figure out what we should eat.

meal planning

You will need two things before you can start this method.  The first is the app Google Keep.  This app is my LIFE!  You can keep every kind of note, list, reminders,  or anything to organize your life!  The second thing you will need is a list of the dinners you make most often.  You can always add to the list, but having a base to start with is good.

Check out the short video below to see the simple and fast way I meal-plan!  And please let me know if you have any questions.

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