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Why Latter-Day Women are Feeling Called to Influence the World


It’s been prophesied for several years and women all around the world feel it: the pull, the whispers, the call to righteously influence the world. Why are we feeling the call? Because the world needs us. It needs you.

I was recently talking to a friend of mine who is a wonderful wife and mother. She loves the gospel and has a strong testimony. But lately she has been doubting that she has any value beyond her role as a wife and mother. Her children are almost grown and out of the house. She wondered what her life would mean beyond raising a family.


Obviously the role of a wife and mother are among the most noble and important in the world. But like I talked about last week, your roles don’t define your worth or your purpose. That is part of the reason why women are feeling called to do more.

Several years ago, President Russell M. Nelson said, “The kingdom of God is not and cannot be complete without…women who can speak with the power and authority of God.” He continued that women are needed “who know how to make important things happen by their faith.”

The world is becoming more and more wicked. But I believe that women in the church are becoming more and more faithful. You have charity, virtue, determination, joy, and many more spiritual gifts that this world needs.

Elder M. Russell Ballard gives excellent advice if you want to answer that call to righteously influence the world. He said, “For those who really want to live up to who you are, for those who at all costs want to repent if necessary and who want to see through Satan’s deceptions, I have two suggestions: First, listen to and follow those whom we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. Second, learn to hear the voice of the Spirit, or the voice of the Lord as communicated by the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Those are two important pillars in understanding your spiritual gifts and using them to build the kingdom of God. The prophets and apostles know what the world needs and will guide us in knowing how we can use our voice and talents. Then as we pray and receive personal revelation through the Holy Ghost, we will know what Heavenly Father would have us do individually.

If you have any doubt like my friend I mentioned, remember these beautiful words by Elder Ballard, “Of this you may be certain: The Lord especially loves righteous women—women who are not only faithful but filled with faith, women who are optimistic and cheerful because they know who they are and where they are going, women who are striving to live and serve as women of God.”

You are feeling the call to righteously influence the world because the world needs you. The world needs your unique voice, talents, gifts, and power. That is your purpose.

Check out my live with Melinda Morgan where we discussed this topic plus more!

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