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Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen


In the last couple of weeks, I’ve talked about why Latter-day women are feeling the call to influence the world and 3 specific things we are called to do. The pull women feel is stronger now than ever before. The more I discuss this topic, the more women reach out to tell me that they have felt the call. Unfortunately, after many of these women feel the call, it pretty much ends there.

“For many are called, but few are chosen,” (Matthew 22:14). It’s been foretold that women today will feel the call, but it’s also been foretold that only a few will be chosen. So, how do you know if you’ve been chosen?

Let’s start by identifying the most common obstacles that women face when feeling called to do something. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • Am I really called to do this?
  • What if I offend others?
  • What if I come across as fake or not authentic?
  • Where do I start?
  • What if it takes time away from my family?
  • How do I find time in the day to do it?
  • What if I sound too promotional or preachy?
  • How do I find the confidence?
  • What if the thing I feel called to do isn’t spiritual?
  • What if there’s a hundred others out there already doing it and doing it better?

Let me share a secret with you: Every woman has asked herself most of these questions. We all face doubt and fear when we feel the call. But it’s also up to us to be chosen. I recently listened to a podcast episode on this topic by Melinda Morgan, my new best friend (even though we’ve never met). She gave me permission to share some of what she talked about.

If you’re being called to do something, ask yourself these three questions:

1. What are you willing to sacrifice?

If you are willing to sacrifice time, figure out how much. If you are willing to sacrifice energy, how much are you willing to give? Ask yourself what you are willing to set aside now in order to see this through.

2. What are you willing to risk?

If you are willing to risk money, how much are you willing to invest financially? Are you willing to fail along the way?

3. What is your version of being “all-in” for this particular calling?

Are you willing to crawl under, climb over, and power through the obstacles that will get in your way? You know they’re coming because what you’ve been called to do is good. You want to help others, and the adversary will have none of that. He will do his best to wear you down, break you down, tear you down, and push you down. And if he succeeds in stopping or paralyzing you, he wins.

In her podcast episode, Melinda also talks about something she coined, “call paralysis.” This happens when you have felt the call, but you let obstacles get in your way. It doesn’t have to be like that. The world needs you to learn how to overcome these obstacles so you can bring light and truth through your unique voice and spiritual gifts!

So, if you want to ensure that you are not only called, but chosen, just let the scriptures be your guide. Melinda shared that Doctrine & Covenants section 4 will tell us how. If you “have desires to serve God ye are called to the work,” (verse 3). Next, you must give it some effort. Just “thrusteth in [your] sickle with…might,” (verse 4). And finally, “an eye single to the glory of God” will qualify you for the work, (verse 5).

If we have a desire to share goodness and uplift others, we have been chosen.

If we give it our best effort, we have been chosen.

If we keep our eye single and intentions pure, we have been chosen, and God will bless us in our calling.

Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

One Response

  1. Thanks for introducing me to your new best friend!! She is awesome! I went back and have started listening to her podcast.

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