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How to Answer Your Call to Influence the World

influence the world

In past blog posts, I have talked a lot about why Latter-day women are feeling called to influence the world and what they’re called to do. Today I want to help you figure out how to answer your call to influence the world. If you think you have nothing to offer, you are SO wrong! God needs everyone, every voice, and you have a circle of influence that no one else does.

We are going to talk about how you can use your hobbies, interests, and spiritual gifts to create your unique purpose. I can’t tell you exactly what you’re supposed to do, but I believe that by combining these three things, you can figure out your call and how to answer it!

influence the world


The first step is to make a list of your hobbies. For this exercise, I am going to define hobbies as what you are good at – even if you don’t necessarily enjoy it (but if you do enjoy it, even better). Some examples could be playing a musical instrument, teaching kids, cooking, fixing computers, drawing, etc.

Write down as many as you can, even if they don’t seem like something you could “influence the world” with.


Next, you are going to write down your interests. Think about anything that you enjoy doing, even if you’re not good at it. Some examples could be hiking, digital design, playing games, any of the examples above, etc.

Again, write down as many as you can.

Spiritual Gifts

Now it’s time to make a list of all your spiritual gifts. There are SO many to choose from. If you need help with ideas, check out my free list of 72 spiritual gifts. Think more in terms of qualities you have. Faith, a listening ear, compassion, patience, etc. Those are examples of spiritual gifts.

Write down the ones you have AND the ones you desire to have.  If you’re not sure, ask your spouse, sister, or a close friend to help you. Often times it’s easier to recognize spiritual gifts in others than ourselves.


Here is where the magic happens. When you join you hobbies, interests, and spiritual gifts, you can discover your purpose!

Let me explain what that means. Your purpose is what will make you stand out in a saturated world of influencers. There’s a hundred other women who have your same hobbies. There’s a hundred other women with your same interests. And there’s a hundred other women with your spiritual gifts. But when you combine your interests and your hobbies with your spiritual gifts…that’s YOU! And that’s your purpose.

Let me give you an example. One of my hobbies is blogging. One of my interests is gospel topics. And one of my spiritual gifts is connecting with and motivating other faithful women. When I combine all three, I have a platform where I can help women discover their unique voice and spiritual gifts to influence the world. I am so passionate about every post, video, and course I create.

You might come up with a variety of combinations, and that’s okay. Try a few out and see what works. You aren’t limited to one purpose in this life. Michelle D. Craig said, “What you have to offer is more than enough – even with your human frailties and weaknesses – if you rely on the grace of God.” And when your true desire is to righteously influence the world, God will help you every step of the way.

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