☀︎ share goodness. the world needs you.

7 Ways to Share Your Voice Online

voice online

The other day I attended an event with authors, business women, and influencers. I felt a bit intimidated, yet excited to meet so many women with a variety of talents and gifts, but the same goal: to spread truth and light. Each of them had their own unique way of doing so and I learned a lot from every one.

At one point in the evening, we all went around the room to introduce ourselves and what we did. When it was my turn, I mentioned Latter-day Woman Magazine, then casually mentioned that I also help women answer their call to influence the world online. I was sure I would get weird looks and quiet judgments, but I was thrilled when many of these powerful and influential women found me later and wanted to learn more.

We are ALL in this together! It doesn’t matter if you have a business, feel called to start a business, or just feel called to share goodness in one way or another. The world needs all of us! The world needs YOU. If you haven’t taken my free spiritual gifts course to help you figure out your purpose, start there. If you know what you want to share, here are 7 ways to do it.

voice online


This happens to be my favorite one (obviously). I have been an avid blogger almost as long as blogging was invented. On a blog you can share just about anything: writing, videos, recipes, pictures, music, etc. A blog is a great landing place for any type of content you want to share.


What in the world is a micro-blog? I only learned about this a year or so ago. It’s basically the new way of blogging. Remember when Instagram posts were all about the hashtags and less about the caption? That’s not the case anymore. When scrolling through Facebook or Instagram nowadays, you might notice that a lot of posts are several paragraphs long. That is considered a micro-blog. You could share a story, an excerpt from a book, or just some random thoughts.


There are a variety of ways to share videos. YouTube, Instagram stories, Facebook posts, live videos, etc. And ideas as to what you share are endless. Show off a product, tell a story, show behind the scenes, take people through your day, dance, or make a slide show! We are a visual species and video continues to be one of the most effective elements in any online strategy.

Personal accounts

You don’t need to have a product or business to share your voice online. Many people share light through their personal accounts. I love scrolling through and seeing family and friends posting inspirational quotes, videos, or other messages. We have been asked to publish goodness online and this is a great way to do it.


I’m not an expert on producing podcasts, but I know that they have never been more popular. It’s so easy to pop in your headphones when you’re cleaning, driving, or taking a walk. Listening to an uplifting podcast is one of my favorite things to do. If you love to chat, podcasting might be just right for you.


If you love sharing your testimony through music, there are so many online options. You don’t have to have a record deal to share music with the world. Sharing videos might be the most popular and easy way to do it. You could also upload your own music on streaming apps or simply share music you love listening to with others.


Again, being visual creatures, we love scrolling through pictures. If you enjoy taking pictures, post your art online and share what it means to you. If you love curating a variety of pictures from others, share that too! Just make sure you give credit where credit is due. There is so much meaning we can take from a simple image.

This might be a hodge-podge list of ways to share your voice online, and it certainly isn’t comprehensive. With the speed technology is advancing every day, there might be a dozen new ways to share truth and light by next month! Be creative, be bold, and share your voice online.


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