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Scripture Study Skills

scripture study skills

Happy new year! That means we are studying a new book of scripture: the Old Testament!

As a substitute seminary teacher, I love to have last-minute lessons prepared that I can use and customize to whatever block of scripture we may be studying. Kind of like my Parable of the Cake, this lesson will help teach students and children different ways of studying the scriptures.

scripture study skills

This lesson teaches techniques such as substitution, principles and doctrine, cross-referencing, symbolism, and many more. I have also included short audio files explaining each study technique published by BYU Idaho.

My plan is to assign each student a block of scripture from the current week’s study – or have them choose – and use that as we go through each study skill. Then, I will give them 5-10 minutes to use each skill to study their scripture passages. Hopefully, these skills will help them learn something new, look at scriptures from a different angle, and help them better study throughout the rest of their life!

Just CLICK HERE to get my already-prepared lesson about scripture study skills!

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