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School-Year Scripture Theme

At the beginning of every school year, I choose a scripture verse to be our family’s theme. I pray about it for weeks before school starts and usually present it at Family Home Evening right before school starts.

It has been such a great simple tradition that helps my children memorize scriptures and focus on how they can apply its principles to their lives.

This year, the scripture I chose was Philippians 4:13,

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

I always make a print-out of the scripture and hang it in the kid’s showers. It’s definitely not Pinterest worthy, but it does the trick. My family has the scripture memorized in no time.

If you’d like to download and print this scripture, just CLICK HERE.

If not, I would LOVE to know what scripture you choose for your theme! Tell me in the comments here, or over on my Instagram post!

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