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The Do’s and Don’ts of Bearing Your Testimony

bearing your testimony

The idea for this blog post has been in the back of my mind for some time, but I kept pushing it aside because I didn’t think it was my place to tell anyone how or how not to bear a testimony. And it’s really not. But I can share what leaders of the Church have said about it. I would never condone making fun of others testimonies or judging what they say. We can receive goodness from all testimonies.

So, I write this with careful research and pure intent to not only convince myself of the importance of bearing a true and correct testimony, but also share how to bear testimony the true and correct way, as counseled by the prophet and leaders of the Church.

Elder Stevenson gave a wonderful definition of what a testimony is in the latest General Conference. He said, “Your testimony is a most precious possession, often associated with deep spiritual feelings. These feelings are usually communicated quietly and described as a ‘still small voice.’ It is your belief or knowledge of truth given as a spiritual witness through the influence of the Holy Ghost.”

Because the things of God are known only by the power of the Spirit, they must be declared by the Spirit, and that means bearing testimony. To break it down even more, here are the do’s and don’ts of bearing your testimony.

bearing your testimony


Include one of the 5 key elements of a testimony.

Elder Stevenson also shared that testimonies should always include and point back to at least one of these 5 key elements:

  • God is your Heavenly Father; you are His child. He loves you.
  • Jesus Christ lives. He is the Son of the living God and your Savior and Redeemer.
  • Joseph Smith is a prophet of God called to restore the Church of Jesus Christ.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God’s restored Church on the earth.
  • The restored Church of Jesus Christ is led by a living prophet today. 

Make it personal (I, not You)

A testimony is personal, which means testimony bearing should often begin with the pronoun I.

I know.

I believe.

I testify.

It should focus on what you feel, and not focus on the pronoun you, as in telling others what they should or should not know or feel, etc. (More on that later).

Share your knowledge, belief, or hope of gospel truths.

Even if you don’t know if something is true, do you believe it? If you’re not sure you even believe it, do you hope for it? Sharing your sincere knowledge, belief, or hope of gospel truths is bearing testimony. Even if it’s only about one thing. And even if it’s only 10 seconds long. Sometimes, those are the times I feel the Spirit the most.

Share experiences as they pertain to one of the key elements.

A short, relevant story can help you illustrate a point, but make sure to include how that story enlarged your testimony and what gospel truths you learned from that experience. A testimony is what you know about the gospel, not about where you’ve been or what you’ve done.


Admonish or Exhort

Elder Jay E. Jensen said, “When others stand and exhort others in a fast and testimony meeting or even try to call others to repentance, even with the best of intentions, they are usurping authority and are often offending others and disrupting the spirit of the meeting.”

Interestingly, we can do this in a talk because we are given authority to do so. That is not the case for testimonies.


Testimony meeting is not the time or place to confess. Confessions are not testimonies. If you feel the need to confess anything, please reach out to your bishop.

Give a travelogue

Elder Stevenson also said, “We [should] begin to focus on the truths of which the Holy Ghost will bear witness and less on such things as a recent travelogue.” What does it have to do with your testimony?


A testimony is not a sermon or a talk on some doctrinal point, although someone may quote a scripture and then testify of it. Remember to go back to the 5 key elements and how it is personal for you.

Bearing our testimony in word or deed is a way of sharing plain and precious truths of the gospel with others. It is an invitation for others to “come unto Christ.”

For most of you, fast and testimony meeting is this upcoming Sunday. I invite you to consider bearing your testimony. Not just in your heart. Out loud. I’ll pray for you. Will you pray for me?


Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

One Response

  1. Thank you so much for this! Wonderful and beautiful reminders. I tend to overcomplicate things. I love what you said about if it’s only 10 seconds long. I can do that! Lol.
    And YES, I will pray for you. Thank you for your prayers 😊💖

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