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Answering 40 Questions You Asked Me

This week is my 40th birthday, and I thought a fun way to celebrate on the ol’ blog here would be to have you ask me 40 questions. So, last week on Instagram, I opened up the question box, and you guys did not disappoint! These questions were super fun to answer. Hope you enjoy them and maybe even learn something new!

1. How does your life compare to what you thought it would be like (say when you were 16)?

All I wanted growing up was to be a wife and mother. So, dream come true! However, it’s definitely a lot harder than I expected. Isn’t life always like that? Don’t get me wrong, I love my life! LOVE IT! But it’s not always rainbows and butterflies like I imagined. However, it’s in those hard times that we grow, and I’ve learned to love it through that growth!

2. Where have you traveled to in your 40 years?

The first big trip that I remember was driving across the country with my parents and 6 siblings when I was 4. We stopped at all the church history sights, Washington D.C., NYC, and much more! It took 3 weeks in a bright yellow suburban. With no air conditioning.

Growing up, my family did a few road trips to California, Vegas, Arizona, Nauvoo, etc.

My husband and I have traveled to Cancun, Anchorage, South Carolina, and Nashville.

And some trips with my husband AND kids have been Yellowstone, NYC, Oregon Coast, Hawaii, Arizona, Disneyland, Banff, and lots of National parks.

3. What is the best family recipe that was handed down to you?

I think my mom’s cheesecake might be my favorite. I don’t think it was handed down to her. She probably just got it from a magazine or someone she knew. I’ll post a recipe soon!

4. What advice would you go back and give to yourself as a new mom?

I would tell myself to sit down and play with your kids more. I was always looking forward to them becoming more independent. Now that they are, I long for the days of just enjoying them when they were little.

5. How did you meet your husband?

We met at the Institute at Weber State through mutual friends.

6. What’s the most significant thing you learned from your hardest trial?

Wow. Had to really think about this. I think the most significant thing I’ve learned is that there is power in Jesus Christ when you keep your covenants, and that power will SHOW UP when you need it!

7. What is your favorite texture?

I know what my not favorite texture is: velvet. Ew. I don’t know if I have a favorite. Maybe my kids’ cheeks before puberty 🙂

8. You are such a great example of goodness. Besides the Savior, who was your best example?

First of all, thank you so much! Besides the Savior, my greatest example of goodness is my parents. If there were two people that were the epitome of Christ-like parents, it’s them. They’re not perfect, but I think they’re as close as can be. My dad is patient, kind, spiritual, sweet, and generous. My mom is the wisest person I have ever met. She could write a book on anything spiritual or parenting. I could go on and on.

9. Are you still a runner?

No. I did it for about 8 or 9 years, but started having issues with my SI joint. That’s when I started jump-roping!

10. What inspired you to be an influencer?

I’ve been writing and posting for years, but never considered myself an influencer. I guess it kind of began when I started focusing on “sharing goodness” and seeing the need for influencers who actually encouraged faith-building and keeping covenants.

11. When was the first time you remember feeling the Holy Ghost?

I was about 14 years old and I was watching the movie, Legacy. Remember that movie? I don’t know which part it was, but I have noticed that the times when I feel the Holy Ghost most powerfully is when I’m reading/watching/studying about Joseph Smith or the restoration.

12. What is your perfect evening? Dinner, dessert, activity?

Totally depends on my mood. But I really love a warm summer night on my patio with my husband. I absolutely love when my kids are around and we have those impromptu gospel discussions. And if there’s a Twisted Sugar cookie in my hand, that’s even better.

13. If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?

Don’t change a thing.

14. How did you become such an awesome jump-roper?

Ha! I’m trying. I learned from watching videos on Instagram and trying it myself, over and over and over again!

15. Favorite dates to go on with your husband?

We love trying new restaurants and going out with friends. Hiking, pickle ball, just driving and chatting.

16. Where did you grow up?

Ogden, Utah. Right across the street from Weber State.

17. Did you go to school after High School? If so, where/what for?

I did some college at Weber State, but didn’t get a degree. I also went to beauty school, but dropped out. And no, I don’t really regret it.

18. What’s on your bucket list?

A few at the top of my list is learning to play the organ, hiking in Switzerland, and going on a mission with my husband.

19. Where do you hope to be in 10 years?

Hiking in Switzerland while on a mission with my husband 🙂

20. Do you have life figured out? I just turned 37 and thought I’d have it more together by now.

No. One thing I do have figured out is that following the gospel of Jesus Christ will never let you down.

21. How do you get your hair to look so silky soft?

Okay. I actually get this question a lot. It’s genetics. I don’t use anything special. On the flip-side, all I’ve ever wanted was voluminous hair. I use all the products for that and guess what? It’s still flat. You get what you get.

22. What is your recipe for funeral potatoes?

1/2 cube butter — melt in large saucepan.  Then add:
Chopped green onion, however much you like.  Sauté in butter then add:
I can cream of chicken soup
1 pint sour cream.  Stir and melt altogether, then add
1 – 2 cups grated cheddar cheese and
1 pkg. Frozen potato shreds, thawed.

Stir well put in baking dish and bake 30 to 45 min at 350 or 375.  You can use real potatoes, they are better, but more work.  I like to make it a day ahead to let the flavors soak into the frozen shreds. 

23. What is the best compliment you have ever received and why does it stand out?

I remember inviting someone into my house and the first thing they said when they walked in was how they could immediately feel the Spirit. I guess it stood out because that’s always something I strived to do.

24. What is a movie quote you most often sneak into everyday conversation?

Not a movie, but the quotes I use the most in everyday conversation come from The Office or Friends. My kids have never seen either show but know all the quotes 🙂

My favorite movies to quote are Clue and Three Amigos. But I don’t really use them in everyday conversation.

25. What were you like in high school?

Quiet, but friendly. Boy-crazy, but never had a boyfriend (or many dates). I was in choir, did all the musicals. I had a lot of good friends, but not one best friend. I played tennis for one year. Seminary council my senior year. Hardly went to class and didn’t get good grades. 

26. What advice would you give a parent with a teen not wanting to go to church at all?

I’m not someone who should be giving advice on this, but my opinion is that your relationship with that child should be more important than anything else. However, I did find this article that had some really good tips!

27. Why do you think so many members are no longer active or simply taking a time out?

I realize there are SO many answers to this question, and everyone is different. But generally, I think that people are not willing to do the hard stuff. And that’s different for everyone. But doing the things we need to do to make it to the Celestial kingdom is not going to be easy. And when we don’t keep an eternal perspective, it’s easy to just stop; stop fulfilling your calling, stop going to church, stop following the prophet, stop believing!

28. Book recommendations about temples?

My favorite one is The Holy Covenant. It explains our temple covenants so simply and beautifully. I also love The Priesthood Power of Women, which is indirectly about temples, but more about our priesthood authority.

29. Best mat and jump rope for beginners?

I love this beaded rope! It is perfect for beginners and very durable. And you definitely want a good mat. I started on a yoga mat and it was destroyed in a month. Grab this mat for comfort and to protect your rope!

30. What are your goals this summer?

To survive. Ha! This is the first summer I’m not really looking forward to. I’m not dreading it or anything, but it’s just going to be really busy. Not much time to relax before school starts. So, my goals are to get everyone where they’re supposed to be!

31. What’s your favorite article you have ever written?

I love this question. If you don’t already know, I used to write a lot. So, there are tons of articles to choose from. But I think my favorite is when I wrote about my first love story. It’s an unexpected story that is very dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy it.

32. When did you know your husband was the one?

When I broke up with him.

33. What is your favorite temple?

I got married in the Salt Lake temple, but I think my favorite is now the Ogden temple. I got to be a part of the open-house when it was re-dedicated and it’s in my hometown.

34. How did you get into jump rope and where should I start if I want to try it?

I came across some videos on Instagram and thought it looked really fun. I really didn’t think I could ever get very good at it, but I just kept practicing and found that it wasn’t really that hard at all! You can search for beginner videos online and just start there.

35. What is your enneagram type?

I am a 9: “The Peacemaker.” The key attributes I relate to are:

  • Calm, collected demeanor
  • Ability to defuse conflict with ease
  • Zen-like presence
  • Mellow and soothing voice
  • Wide circle of acquaintances
  • Generally liked by most people
  • Fluid, slow movements and gestures

I also have a lot of 7 in me, which is “The Enthusiast.” Some attributes I relate to are:

  • Wide range of interests
  • Childlike enthusiasm and energy
  • Many ongoing professional and creative projects
  • Upbeat and optimistic; glass-half-full outlook
  • Well-liked and popular among peers

36. What is your favorite vacation you’ve ever been on?

This isn’t my favorite place I’ve ever been, but our family trip to Yellowstone/Jackson Hole is probably my favorite vacation. It was one of the first vacations we took as a whole family and I remember thinking that my kids were just really well-behaved. We all got along great, even on the long car ride. And everything seemed so magical.

37. What is the most important decision you have ever made so far?

The decision to marry my husband probably. We were very young and didn’t date very long, so it should have been scary, but it wasn’t. I prayed most of my teenage years (and especially when I was dating him) that I would make the right decision. And he is way better than I could have ever imagined. I don’t even want think about what my life would be like if I hadn’t married him.

38. What is something that always makes you smile?

My son, Eli. Don’t get me wrong, all my kids can make me smile. But Eli does every single day without ever trying. If you know him, you know why, and I’m sure he’s made you smile too.

39. What is your useless talent?

I am a really good whistler. Someday, I will be a professional whistler and it won’t be so useless after all.

40. What is your strangest irrational fear?

Do not touch my temples. Don’t even get hear them. Okay?

Well, if you made it through all that, congrats! You deserve a treat. Go get yourself one and then let me know if you have any other questions for me!


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