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My Jump Rope Story

Even though this is just a side hobby for me, I get asked about it all the time! So, I decided to create this blog post to hopefully answer my most frequently asked questions.

How did I get started?

I’m not much of an athlete, but I love staying active. I fell in love with running about 10 years ago and that was my go-to workout until a couple years ago when I injured my SI joint. Although it’s not painful for me to run, as soon as I stop, my SI joint (back/hip area) would ache constantly. I went to physical therapy and nothing really helped until I stopped running altogether.

About this same time, I discovered some jump roping videos online. They were really fun to watch and I wondered if I could ever do something like that. I did a deep dive and found some beginner videos and decided to try it. I jokingly told my husband that one year from then, I would be jumping like the girl in the video. I half-expected myself to give up after a month or two.

But I fell in LOVE with it. And surprisingly, jump-roping doesn’t cause me ANY pain (except for when I whip myself)!

What videos did I use to learn?

There are probably three Instagram accounts that are my favorite for how-to videos. If you search them, you’ll be able to find beginner, intermediate, and more advanced videos. Sometimes I would screen record them so I could slow them down and replay them over and over to get the right steps, turns, etc.

I would recommend Skipping with Sarah, Lauren Jumps, and Kathy Jumps to get started.

What ropes and mats do you use?

The best beginner rope is this signature beaded rope. It’s really great for most jump-roping. I used only this one for almost 2 years until I started using one for speed.

When you want to increase speed, try this PVC rope.

And you’ll definitely want a mat to protect your rope and also give you a little cushion when you jump.

What are your favorite workout clothes?

These dri-fit tees come in tons of colors and are my favorite top to workout in!

My favorite long leggings are these butter-luxe leggings. They stay put and even have pockets.

But I mostly wear these butter-luxe shorts with pockets. They are so comfy!

My favorite shoes to jump in are these Nike running shoes. I don’t like a lot of bulk for jumping, and these are perfect.

These shoes are also great for jumping. I like to rotate through both pair.

And last but not least, you gotta have these roller crew socks. I don’t know how, but they just make jumping so much more fun!

If you are wanting to try jump-roping, I highly recommend it! You can do it just about anywhere, it’s surprisingly easy on your joints, and it’s just really fun! And if you want to watch my videos, you can find them here!

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