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How to Re-Prioritize Your Scripture Study

scripture study

We are officially half way through the year, which means (for me at least), it’s time for a scripture study check-in! I love starting the new year fresh with a scripture study plan. I know what it’s supposed to look like, and can see the end from the beginning. But life doesn’t always work out the way I plan. So, I love to do a scripture study check-in halfway through the year. Are you ready to check-in with your scripture study?

If it doesn’t look the way you thought, that’s OKAY! Maybe it’s time to adjust some things; find a new study method, study at a different time. Here are several ideas that you can do to re-prioritize your scripture study.

scripture study

Use a Scripture Study Guide

Do you want more out of your scripture study but not sure where to start? This guide has so much goodness packed into it. Learn several unique methods to study your scriptures, download your choice of reading charts, schedules, and bookmarks, and of course – get some inspiration and motivation to actually study your scriptures. Now is the perfect time to start.

Read in front of your children

When my kids were younger, I fell out of the habit of scripture study because I felt like I needed quiet time to get the most out of my study. Well, guess what? Quiet time never came! What if I had chosen instead to read my scriptures while the kids were playing near me – or even involved them in my study? Not only would I have gotten it done, it would have been a powerful example to them. Do you kids ever see you on your phone? What is they saw you reading your scriptures? Even though my kids are teenagers now, there’s still not enough quiet time. It’s never too late to start!

Use a different study method

One of my favorite things to do to keep my scripture study fresh is to change up my study method. There are so many different ways to study your scriptures: looking for patterns, highlighting certain words, studying topics… the possibilities are endless.

Habit Stack

One concept that finally clicked for me was to “stack” my scripture study with something I was already in the habit of doing. For example, when my oldest son was in high school, I would always wake up early with him to say goodbye before school. After he left, but before my other kids woke up, there was about a half hour of silent time. I decided to start reading my scriptures then. It soon became a habit and I have hardly missed a day since.

Start Fresh

It’s always fun for me to start with a brand new Book of Mormon and some colorful and fun scripture markers. This year I decided to use a journaling edition so I could write down all my thoughts and insights. Color coding in a new way is also a great way to read the verses in a new way. Try getting some new scriptures and pens or markers. Make it fun!

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