Happy New Year! I finally sat down and wrote down my goals for 2025, so I thought I would share them with you. You may know that the Church encourages children and youth to set goals in 4 categories: spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social. I think it’s smart for adults to do the same.
In fact, ever since I was a little girl, my mom would encourage us kids to make goals in 5 areas: spiritual, physical, intellectual, social, and emotional. (Sound familiar?) I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the Children and Youth Program got the idea from her, but either way, it has served me well over the years. My mom would always say that making goals in these areas help to “add a little SPISE to your life.” So, here are my goals for 2025.
Increased sacrifice and consecration. It’s time for me to dig a little deeper spiritually. (Isn’t it always?) I feel like I’m in a good habit with prayer, scripture study, Come Follow Me, etc. But I keep coming back to the saying: “The purpose of the church is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” I feel like it’s time for me to focus on the law of sacrifice and consecration. What am I really willing to do for God? And how can it bless my life? After all, God promised that with increased sacrifice and consecration comes increased power and blessings. And don’t we all need that?
Strengthen my core and hamstrings. It might sounds silly, but I am weak in my core and hamstrings! And it has affected my life lately. So, as one of my goals for 2025, it’s time to get stronger.
Read one spiritual, business, and self-help book every month. I’ve never been a big reader. But I do enjoy learning. I have a big list of books that I’ve been dying to read, so this is the year! If you have any recommendations, please leave them in the comments!
Invite friends out or over for lunch or dinner once a month. I’m not a big extrovert, in fact I think as the years go by I am becoming increasingly introverted. It’s not that I don’t enjoy being around people, but I really enjoy just chilling at home. However, I never regret being with friends, old or new. In fact, I already have a girls dinner scheduled this month. Can’t wait!
Become a minister. Confession time: I haven’t been the best with my ministering assignments. So, not only do I want to do better with that, but I want to become a minister. After all, true ministering isn’t what we do, it’s who we are. And I also believe that true ministering is one of the best remedies for emotional health.
I’ll also add my mom’s 5 R’s of Emotional or Mental health:
Focus on those in your life and see what happens!
And just like my mom always said, “If we can keep a good balance in each of these five areas, our lives will have just the right amount of SPISE!”
Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!
3 Responses
Love your goals!! Thanks for sharing!!
I recommend Aspire by Kevin Hall, Create Anyway by Ashlee Gadd, and The Law of Love by Steve Young. Thanks for sharing your goals and 5 R’s.