In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, receiving a calling to serve is often seen as a sacred responsibility. Whether it’s teaching a Primary class, organizing a youth activity, or serving in a leadership position, callings offer opportunities to grow spiritually and serve others. But what happens when you feel overwhelmed, unprepared, or simply unable to take on a new calling?
Is it Okay to Say No to Church Callings?
Church callings are not just tasks—they are divine invitations. When we are called to serve, we are not merely fulfilling a duty. We are being asked to help build the kingdom of God and serve His children. President Dallin H. Oaks explained that “a calling is an opportunity to be an instrument in the hands of God to bless the lives of others.” This perspective can help shift our view of callings from burdens to blessings.
I believe there are two very important aspects to consider when accepting – or not accepting – any church calling: being willing and being able. Endowed members of the Church make a covenant in the temple to live the law of consecration, including being willing to give everything to the building of the kingdom of God. This most definitely includes accepting church callings. However, members aren’t always able to fulfill that calling for various reasons. If that’s the case, communicate with your leaders and let them know your situation. Good inspiration comes from good information.
The Power of Saying Yes
While it’s okay to say no when needed, remember that there is great power in saying yes when you feel called to serve. Saying yes is an expression of faith, a willingness to trust God, and a desire to do His work. The Lord promises to magnify our efforts when we take on His work (Mosiah 24:14).
When you say yes, you open doors to blessings you can’t yet see. You allow yourself to experience the joy of serving others and growing closer to Heavenly Father. And, when you step out in faith, you’ll often find that you are strengthened beyond your own ability, through the help of the Holy Ghost.
How to Enjoy Your Church Calling
Serving in church callings can be so rewarding! If you’re striving to experience more joy in your calling, it’s important to focus on the positive aspects and the spiritual growth that comes through service. Here are a few tips for enjoying your calling:
Remember the eternal perspective: No matter how mundane the task may seem, every calling can contribute to your eternal growth. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf reminded us that “the service we give to others is what will ultimately define us.” Serving in a church calling is one of the most meaningful ways to help others while growing closer to God.
Focus on relationships: Church callings often provide opportunities to build lasting friendships and connections. Focus on how your service can build unity within the ward and strengthen bonds with others. These relationships can provide a sense of joy and fulfillment in your calling.
Trust in God’s timing: Sometimes, callings can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re already juggling many responsibilities. Trust that God knows your capacity and will never ask you to do something that you cannot handle with His help. As President Thomas S. Monson stated, “When we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are in the service of God.”
Find purpose in everything: Even if you don’t feel qualified or ready, recognize that you have unique gifts to offer. If you focus on how you can contribute, rather than how you may fall short, you will find purpose and fulfillment in your calling.
Church callings are a sacred opportunity to serve and grow spiritually, but they should never become a source of undue stress or burnout. In all things, seek Heavenly Father’s guidance, trust His timing, and know that you are loved and supported as you strive to serve Him and His children. And above all, remember that the heart of a calling is service, and God will always provide the strength, wisdom, and peace you need as you seek to fulfill your divine purpose.
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7 Responses
Not all callings are from inspiration they are from desperation or just manmade callings. It is OK to say no. It is OK to say let me pray about it and get the confirmation if it is right for me or not. We have to take the stigma and guilt away from saying NO
While I have never said no to a calling, I have on at least on one occasion asked the Bishopric counselor if he was aware of a certain set of circumstances in my life. He was not aware and said that they would consider another calling for me. Just because a calling is extended does not mean the Lord has suddenly revealed all of your life circumstances to the person extending that call to you. If you have concerns about the calling, share them. If the answer is that they are aware of your circumstances and still feel inspired to extend the calling, then sincerely pray about it and ask the Lord to help you with those concerns.
The times I’ve grown the most is when I’ve accepted callings. To me, if I say no, I’m losing out on an opportunity to learn and grow. Which is why we’re all here!
I believe there is only one question to ask when offered a calling. “Is this really what God wants for me at this time?” I have told bishops I had to pray about a calling because I didn’t feel any confirmation from the spirit when they asked. It takes them back because they expect me to say yes, but I won’t say yes unless *I* feel it is a calling from God. I need to know it is what God wants for me. It doesn’t matter if I don’t feel capable for any reason, it matters if that’s what God wants of me.
What irks me is when I went to a bishop and asked to be released and he kept putting it off. After the third time, he said why they were putting it off. They were looking for another calling for me. This was the end of 2019. I told them to release me and that I would be ready for another calling in March (which happened to be 2020). I didn’t get a calling until 2021 but I was ok with that. I wasn’t ready to be in a calling at the time both physically and spiritually.
Thank you for insight. I really needed to hear this.
Amazing thoughts Becky!! We love serving our Heavenly Father🥰
Exceptional! THANKYOU for your inspiring words!