One of the most powerful truths of the gospel is that God has given each of us spiritual gifts to bless our lives and the lives of others. Sometimes, we may not recognize our gifts, or we might compare ourselves to others and feel like we don’t have any. This activity is designed to help Young Women and Relief Society sisters discover their spiritual gifts and learn how to use them to build the kingdom of God.
Activity Objective:
To help participants identify their spiritual gifts, understand how to develop them, and encourage them to use their gifts to serve others.
Materials Needed:
- Copies of Doctrine & Covenants 46:11-26, Moroni 10:8-18, and 1 Corinthians 12
- Pens and paper or journals
- Small mirrors (optional)
- Printouts of a “72 Spiritual Gifts” (optional)
- A large poster board or whiteboard
- Markers or sticky notes
- A jar or box with small papers listing different spiritual gifts (such as faith, discernment, teaching, healing, etc.)
Activity Outline:
1. Introduction & Discussion (10-15 minutes)
Begin by reading Doctrine & Covenants 46:11-12, which teaches that “to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God.” Ask the group:
- What do you think spiritual gifts are?
- Have you ever experienced a time when someone’s spiritual gift blessed your life?
- Why do you think Heavenly Father gives us different gifts?
Have a few volunteers share their thoughts. Reinforce the idea that spiritual gifts are given to help us strengthen each other and bring others to Christ.
2. Scripture Study & Reflection (15 minutes)
Have participants look up the scriptures about spiritual gifts and create a list of the different gifts mentioned. Provide the “72 Spiritual Gifts” list for each person. Have them write down and answer the following questions in their journals:
- Which of these gifts do you feel you have?
- Have others ever told you that you are good at something that could be a spiritual gift?
- What gifts do you feel prompted to develop further?
Give them time to ponder and write their thoughts.
3. Discovering & Sharing Spiritual Gifts (20 minutes)
Have each person draw a small paper from the jar listing a spiritual gift. Ask them to think of someone in their life who exemplifies that gift and share a brief example. This helps them see how gifts are used in everyday life.
Next, invite them to write down one spiritual gift they believe they have and one they want to develop. If using mirrors, encourage them to look at their reflection and repeat, “God has given me spiritual gifts to bless others.”
Then, have them write their spiritual gifts on sticky notes or the poster board so everyone can see the variety of gifts within the group.
4. Using Your Gifts in Service (10 minutes)
Discuss ways they can develop and use their gifts. Some prompts:
- How can your gifts bless your family?
- How can they help your ward or community?
- How can they bring others to Christ?
Encourage each participant to set a small goal to use one of their gifts in the coming week.
Closing Thoughts & Testimony
End with a testimony that spiritual gifts are real, and when we seek to develop them, the Lord will magnify our efforts. Remind them that gifts grow with use and that each woman has a divine purpose in God’s plan.
This activity can be a powerful way to help Young Women and Relief Society sisters recognize their divine potential and the unique ways they can contribute to the Lord’s work. Let’s encourage each other to develop and share our spiritual gifts!
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