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10 Mom Tips Taught by President Benson

mom tips

A couple years ago, I was asked to give a talk in church on the subject of strengthening families. As I researched this topic, I came across a general conference talk given in 1994. I was only 11 at the time so I probably wasn’t paying attention, especially as it was geared toward mothers and fathers. But as I read it, I realized it was a gold mine for mom tips!

I think the importance of these lessons are shown through the way they were given. President Benson wanted us to have these nuggets of inspiration, but he couldn’t physically deliver them so he had President Monson give the talk in his place. One way or another we will receive gospel truths.

Before I get into these 10 tips, I want to share my all-time favorite motherhood quote, also by President Benson. He taught, “Do you want a principle for successful motherhood? Make time to teach your children the gospel and principles of gospel living when they are young.  It may be that you too will need to “renounce the world” and devote above twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of your children.”

As I read this quote and the tips below, one word stood out: time. How do you spend your time? How do you think God wants you to spend your time?

mom tips


Take time to always be at the crossroads in the lives of your children, whether they be six or sixteen. Being at the crossroads means being available as your children are coming and going. Sometimes this might mean being in the background, unnoticed. Or, it might mean being a listening ear or giving a word of advice.

Take time to be a real friend to your children. This doesn’t mean be a friend instead of a parent, but I think we can be a friend in addition to being a parent.

Take time to read to your children. Read them bedtime stories, the scriptures, informational books about their favorite subjects, anything and everything!

Take time to pray with your children. And teach them how to pray.

Take time to have a meaningful weekly home evening. Make this one of your great family traditions. Family home evening doesn’t always have to be a formal event. Mix it up with games, sports, activities, etc. But always let your family be taught by the spirit.

Take time to be together at mealtimes as often as possible. There are so many benefits to eating meals together as a family. It should be the norm, not the exception.

Take time daily to read the scriptures together as a family. Find a time that works for you, whether it’s 5:00 in the morning, around the dinner table, or over Face-Time at night. Make it a priority for the benefit of your family.

Take time to do things together as a family. Some families enjoy playing games, doing puzzles, going on hikes, or reading together. Whatever you like to do, include your family.

Take time to teach your children. What should we teach them? President Benson mentions respect, modesty, a love of work and education. Teach them gospel principles and the values they will need to become successful.

Take time to truly love your children. A mother’s unqualified love approaches Christlike love. Our homes should be the first place our children learn about the gospel and the first place they feel the spirit.

If we take time to do these things, I know that we as mothers will be strengthened and our homes will be a little bit of heaven on earth.


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One Response

  1. Love, love, love this so much!!! ❤️ This is such a good post! It reminded me of when Brigham Young called his daughters to “retrench” from everything that is not of God ❤️ Thanks for sharing this!

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