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What to Expect From My Blog in 2020


A little over 3 years ago, I started this little ol’ blog of mine. If you’ve been around since then, you might remember that it was originally called Make Mine Happy. After about a year or so, I decided to re-brand to my name. And ever since my very first post, I have published articles almost every single week.

I like to think that my current portfolio is doing quite well – full of quality content about marriage, parenting, faith, and even a few recipes. If there’s a topic under the umbrella of home and family, I probably have it covered. And if not, please let me know and I’d be happy to write about it.

Well, if you follow me on Instagram, you may have heard me talking about my “big secret project” that I’ll be revealing in January. I haven’t mentioned it here because it’s completely separate from my blog. However, it might affect the frequency of my posts. So, what can you expect from my blog going forward? That’s a great question – one I ask myself every day, and one that I’m not sure I really have a good answer.

Here’s what I do know. My “big secret project” will be taking a lot more of my time. It’s a passion of mine and I’m SO excited I get to turn it into a business. I pinch myself every day and can’t wait to announce it to the world. But at this point, it’s hard to tell just how much time it will take and if I’ll have enough creative juices left over to publish a new article every week. 

And when I think about it, I could be writing this “disclosure” solely for my own reassurance. Most of you probably didn’t even knew that I kept up a weekly schedule or wouldn’t care if I published less. But if you happen to follow me religiously (Hi Mom and Dad) then consider this your update.

So in conclusion, I hope to keep writing here as much as possible, but it may not be quite as frequently (drop a comment below if there’s a topic you’d like me to write about). And if you’re on my email list or follow me on Instagram, watch for my big announcement in a couple weeks! Happy holidays!

Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

One Response

  1. I love the direction you are taking, because your “big secret project” is one I know you are called to do! I am so excited! (even though I know you have put so much into this) I know going forward everything is going to find balance and growth! Wish you every success!

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