☀︎ share goodness. the world needs you.

Does God Really Want You Online?


The world today is quickly moving away from the teachings of Christ. And as a result, Satan is working harder than ever to confuse and distract us from the most important work of all: the gathering of Israel – or in other words, sharing goodness, truth & light, and righteously influencing the world.

If you don’t think your voice matters, wake up and shake off Satan’s lies. The world needs every single one of us to be a light, especially online! We can’t stand on the sidelines of today’s important and crucial battles. So yes, I do believe that God wants you online.


Technology advances so quickly, it’s almost impossible to keep up with it all (I mean, did you watch my last Instagram Reels?) But it’s important to remember that all of these advancements are part of the Lord hastening His work in the latter days. Technology, the internet, even social media are tools we can and should be using to influence the world.

Spencer W. Kimball said, “I believe that the Lord is anxious to put into our hands inventions of which we laymen have hardly had a glimpse. …

“With the Lord providing these miracles of communication, and with the increased efforts and devotion of our missionaries and all of us, and all others who are ‘sent,’ surely the divine injunction will come to pass: ‘For, verily, the sound must go forth from this place into all the world, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth—the gospel must be preached unto every creature’ (D&C 58:64).”

Social media platforms are very effective ways to personally and positively impact hundreds and even thousands of people all over the world. And I believe that it’s time for us to be a light in the online world so we can testify of the gospel, be a light, and share goodness with as many people as possible. The world needs your voice and spiritual gifts to be righteous influence.

Don’t be discouraged if this feels overwhelming. You don’t have to be online everyday, or have a large following. Can you imagine the impact we could have if every one of us shared something seemingly small? The dark online world would becoming a little brighter, a little lighter. And soon, we would #LightTheWorld with truth and goodness.

Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

3 Responses

  1. Hi! It’s your biggest fan! 😉 Love this! And I love that Spencer W. Kimball quote! I absolutely believe we need to be online, I keep hearing about what the missionaries are doing with social media, and technology RIGHT NOW! I know we are meant to be there too!

  2. I forgot about that Spencer W. Kimball quote!!! It gives me chills every time I read it, like he saw all this tech and tried to describe it. I’ve been thinking about your post all morning. I think it has special significance to women. It’s the first time in history there is equal access… man and women both can post their ideas, thoughts, witnesses and faith, with full autonomy! We don’t have to wait for approval or correlation or any other human power constructs to deme our contribution valuable or worthy of sharing. This is a great trust the Lord is showing us. Here is the tool, what will you do with it? Will you help me gather my children? And teach them of Me? It’s a call of discipleship! Thanks so much for teaching this so boldly.

    1. Oh my goodness you are so right about President Kimball!! I totally agree with you – that he saw what we would have access to and tried to describe it- it feels like when Moroni would speak to us – our day- in the Book of Mormon ! What a beautiful perspective! Thank you for sharing! Im having such a good time tonight- reading back thru the blog and making sure to save posts on my pinterest so that I can easily access them as I continue studying and praying and trying to understand , learn and fulfill my mission in these latter days – my patriarchal blessing talks a lot about my mission in these latter days but the way it is worded has always seemed completely impossible! I got my blessing at age 16 and im going to be 40 in April and I just realized that what Becky is passionate about – women being online and sharing their unique voices and spiritual gifts and testimonies- if I do this , I could actually do what my blessing says!!!! It was a huge revelation and heavenly father has been guiding me along…. very slowly lol but he’s guiding me on what I need to do, what I need to learn and specific tasks etc- it’s terrifying yet so exciting!! I’m having a blast going back thru the blog and I just had to take a few minutes to let you know how thankful I am for your beautiful perspective on this quote!! 💗-jl

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