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Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Through Ministering

I have been teaching women for years how to discover their spiritual gifts. It’s one of my favorite things to do. But I recently came across a really cool exercise you can do right now to find out what some of your natural and automatic spiritual gifts are.

Are you ready?

Think about when you are asked to help someone out. Maybe it’s a ministering assignment, maybe it’s a friend who is having a bad day. Whatever it is, think about how you usually react. What is your automatic response to helping someone out?

That is a spiritual gift.

Let me give you a couple of examples.


When you hear someone is in the hospital, what is your response? Maybe it’s to bring dinner, sit with them, watch their kids, or do their laundry.

If there was a natural disaster in your neighborhood, what would you do? Perhaps you would check your neighbors gas meters, share some food, or show up with a sump pump.

The way you respond to serving others is a spiritual gift.

Spiritual gifts aren’t always defined as qualities or characteristics. Sometimes it’s how you show up. However, if you want to know what your deeper spiritual gifts are, be sure to take my spiritual gifts quiz. And if you want to dive deeper to discover more of your spiritual gifts and how to use them, check out my spiritual gift guide.

So, what spiritual gift did you discover today?

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