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3 Types of Family Councils You Should Be Having Regularly

family councils

Family councils were a regular thing in my home growing up. They usually coincided with Family Home Evening every week, and I just assumed that all families did them. So, I was a bit surprised whenever I would casually mention family councils as an adult only to receive blank stares in return.

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining strong family connections has become more important than ever. Family councils provide an effective framework for families to come together, nurture relationships, make collective decisions, and build a sense of unity. If you are struggling to know how to implement your own family councils, this blog post explores the different types and offers prompts on what to ask and discuss with your family.

family council

Parent-Child Council

The parent-child council is an essential starting point for implementing family councils in your family. It involves parents and their children gathering together to discuss family matters, share thoughts and feelings, and collectively make decisions. This type of council fosters open communication, respect, and understanding between parents and children, reinforcing the principles of love and unity.

To establish a parent-child council, set aside regular time for family meetings. During these meetings, create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Encourage children to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns, and involve them in decision-making processes that are age-appropriate. This council will instill a sense of responsibility and ownership in them, promoting their active involvement in family matters.

Some Questions to Discuss:

  • How are your goals coming along? How can we help you in accomplishing your goals?
  • What can we do to better support you?
  • How are things going with school/friends?
  • How is your testimony/faith?

Executive Council

The executive council (aka Couple Council) focuses on strengthening the marital relationship within your family. It provides a dedicated space for spouses to connect, share goals, discuss challenges, and make decisions together. This council enhances unity between partners, ensuring a strong foundation for the entire family.

To implement a couple council, set aside regular time for intimate and meaningful conversations with your spouse. Use this time to express love and appreciation, discuss individual and shared goals, and address any conflicts or concerns. Active listening, empathy, and compromise are key elements in maintaining a healthy executive council. By prioritizing your marriage, you provide a solid example of love and commitment to your children.

Some Questions to Discuss:

  • What did my spouse do that I really appreciated this week?
  • What needs do I have that should be discussed?
  • How can we help each other this week?

Full Family Council

Full family councils are the cornerstone of effective family communication. These councils offer an opportunity for every member to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. They usually take place at a designated time and place, ensuring consistency and creating a sense of structure within the family.

During weekly family councils, family members can discuss various topics such as family goals, upcoming events, challenges, and achievements. It is crucial to create a safe and non-judgmental environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions and ideas. This open dialogue helps to build trust, strengthen family bonds, and fosters a culture of mutual respect.

Full family councils can also involve planning and organizing family schedules. This helps everyone understand what is going on so no one is surprised by an activity, performance, or who needs to use the car!

Some Questions to Discuss:

  • What are the current needs of our family members physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
  • How can we better support and strengthen each other in our individual endeavors?
  • Are there any challenges or conflicts within the family that need to be addressed? How can we resolve them?
  • Are there any upcoming family events or milestones we need to plan for?
  • What goals do we have as a family? How can we work together to achieve them?
  • How can we improve our family’s communication and bonding?
  • Are there any financial matters or budgeting concerns we need to discuss as a family?
  • How can we better serve others and contribute to our community as a family?
  • Who can we pray for?

By establishing different types of family councils, including parent-child, couple, and full family councils, you create an environment that promotes love, respect, and collective decision-making. Through regular communication and shared experiences, these councils will help your family grow closer, build a solid foundation of faith, and navigate the challenges of life together. Remember, the strength of a family lies in its unity, and family councils provide the perfect avenue to cultivate that unity.

family council


Grab my free Family Council Cheat Sheet to help you implement all types of family councils and give you ideas for questions to discuss with your family!

Grab it right here!

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