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5 Things You Don’t Know About Spiritual Gifts

spiritual gifts

Spiritual gifts are mentioned several times in the scriptures. You may recognize some of them such as the gift of healing, prophecy, revelation, and the gift of tongues. And let me tell you: those are all available to each of us even today. But there’s also so much more to them. When we take a closer look at ourselves and our hobbies, talents, and qualities, we will get a much longer list of our spiritual gifts. They’re right in front of you. Are you using them?

Well, I teach about spiritual gifts a lot, and I have found that there’s a few things that most people don’t know about them. So, here are 5 things you probably don’t know:

spiritual gifts

Your spiritual gifts are unique to you.

Your spiritual gifts are not random. God gave them to you for a reason. And although you may have the same spiritual gifts as others, the way you use them is unique to you and your calling in life. Spiritual gifts encompass a broad range of abilities, including teaching, prophecy, healing, leadership, wisdom, and so much more. If you don’t know what your gifts are, you can start by taking my free quiz here. Remember, it’s essential to embrace the diversity of spiritual gifts and recognize that everyone has something valuable to contribute to the world.

They are different than talents. But also the same.

I get asked all the time, “What is the difference between talents and spiritual gifts?” The answer is simple: it’s the way you use them. When you use your talents, (or attributes, qualities, etc.) for the purpose of bringing others closer to Christ, it becomes a spiritual gift. For example, say one of your talents is playing piano. If you practice and play by yourself, you may be very talented. But it’s not benefiting anyone else. And even if you do play for others, what’s your purpose? To show off? To get into college? The reasons can be good, bad, or neutral. But when your purpose is bringing others closer to Christ, your talent becomes a spiritual gift.

You can develop spiritual gifts you don’t have.

It’s true that we are all born with certain spiritual gifts, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t develop gifts that we don’t have. As long as your intent is to use your gifts to bring others closer to Christ, why wouldn’t God want to bless you with more? Start by praying and ask God for a spiritual gift you desire. Then don’t forget to work hard and use it for the benefit of others. I talk a lot more about how to develop spiritual gifts in the Spiritual Gift Guide.

They can be taken away.

In the same sense that we can develop additional gifts, they can also be taken away. When we use our gifts to lift ourselves up, or when we don’t use our gifts at all, God might take them away. So, it’s important to remember to always use our gifts to bring others closer to Christ. That doesn’t have to be a big grand gesture. It doesn’t have to be us changing the heart of another in an instant. God asks us to use them in small and simple ways.

They have everything to do with your life’s purpose.

Have you ever wondered what your life’s purpose is? It’s one of the most asked questions in the history of the world. And the answer is your spiritual gifts! When you combine your gifts with your unique circumstances, character, and personality, you have the power to change the world. I see it happen every day. Don’t underestimate yourself. Start today. If you don’t know what your spiritual gifts are, let me know! I would love to help you discover what they are, develop others, and learn how to use them to change the world!

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