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Everything You Need to Know About Ministering


Ministering was introduced in the Church almost 7 years ago! And for me at least, it’s a concept I’m still trying to become better at. And I think that’s probably the case for all of us. As it should be. After all, I believe the goal was to move beyond the “checklist” style of home and visiting teaching, and become higher and holier in our efforts. Yet, many of us are still unknowingly (or knowingly) looking for a list to check off so we can call ourselves a good minister. So, let’s dive deeper into what ministering should actually look like and how we can get back into it.


What Ministering Should Actually Look Like

Now that you’re here for me to tell you what ministering should look like, let me start out by saying that you shouldn’t let anyone tell you what ministering should look like… except the Church, the Spirit, and the people you minister to. So, if you need a quick recap, I would suggest reading over the general conference talks where they introduced the concept of ministering. Once you’re familiar with that, pray and ask Heavenly Father to help you know what you should be doing to become a better minister.

Here’s another excellent general conference talk about ministering.

If you’d like some creative ideas to minister with love, this printable has 50 ideas! Things like keeping track of birthdays, going to the temple together, or simply fasting and praying for them.

These days, many people prefer to receive texts instead of visits. If that’s the case, here are 30 ministering texts you can send today! However, I have found that most people still prefer to be visited in person most of the time. And I believe there is great power in that.

Simply put, ministering isn’t what we do, it’s who we are.

How to Get Back Into Ministering

Whether you want to get back into the habit of ministering, or you just need to know where to start, my suggestion is to start with prayer. Ask Heavenly Father to guide you in your ministering. Next, just start! These days there are so many ways to contact someone. Reach out to them in person, text, or social media. Get to know them. I believe that when we sincerely strive to just get to know someone, ministering becomes natural. Instead of focusing on checking off your ministering box, strive to become a friend. Everything else will fall into place.

Sister Bingham counseled, “No matter our age, when we consider how to minister most effectively, we ask, ‘What does she [or he] need?’ Coupling that question with a sincere desire to serve, we are then led by the Spirit to do what would lift and strengthen the individual.”

Gift Ideas

There is no rule that you have to minister with gifts, but it can be really fun, especially if they have a birthday or special occasion coming up. Here is a list of ministering gift ideas including gifts that don’t cost a thing! Many of these are also great for women you serve with or gifts for Young Women.

I hope these tips and tools are able to help you! If you have other questions, please comment below! We’re all in this together!

Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

3 Responses

  1. Love all the tools and ideas. I always reach out – especially if there is an assignment change and flat out ask what the sisters I’m assigned to minister to want and need. Some sisters need an in home visit. Some just want a weekly check in. You can rely on personal revelation also but I love to ask just to make sure I’m not totally off base. And I think sometimes we forget or think it’s not ok to simply ask.

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