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14 values children need to become successful


The roots of a strong, respectful, and successful individual lies in their upbringing.  The most effective, persuasive, and permanent training of children begins in the home.  Mother Teresa wisely stated, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”  It starts with loving parents teaching our children basic, yet forgotten principles and values.

But what are these values and what exactly should we be teaching them?


Teach children civility toward others

We are all part of one great family, yet too many do not treat each other accordingly.  Whether it be race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, or anything else, we are ALL children of God.  We must remember to treat each other as such.

Teach children tolerance

We must teach our children that even if we don’t agree with someone, we can still be kind to them.  And above all, we should always love them.

Teach them respect

We currently live in a culture of disrespect.  Children tend to value their peers’ opinions more than their own parents.  If parents don’t come first, then kids become fragile.  This is the cause of a lack of parenting. 

Additionally, children need to learn to respect others, their property, and themselves.  We can teach respect of boys for girls, and girls for boys.

Teach them loyalty

For children, loyalty is an abstract concept.  Most will first feel loyal to their family members and friends.  Later, they will expand their loyalty to many things including personal ideals and principles, institutions, nation, civility, and freedom.  Be their example.  Look for the good in others and share positive moments with your children.  Kids learn loyalty more by what you do than by anything you say.

Teach them the beauty of freedoms

Talk to them about this nation’s history; how we got here!  As they get older, teach them about the Bill of Rights and the amendments to the Constitution.  Discuss what it means for them personally as well as their community and nation.

Teach them obedience to law

There is opposition in all things.  There must be.  Fortunately, each of us has a choice.  We must teach our children to choose the right and the consequences of disobedience.  As a parent, do you let your children get away with too much?  Or are you firm and do you follow through with the result of their agency?

Teach them the importance of health and respect for their bodies and minds

Some parents practice affirmations with their children.  For example, you might tell your son that he is smart, or that his ideas are valued, etc.  I think it’s equally important, albeit harder, to say these things to ourselves.  However, what we believe about ourselves is what our children will learn to believe about themselves.

The same goes for our bodies.  How you love and respect your body is how your children will learn to love and respect their bodies.  Also, how you love and respect their bodies is how they will love and respect their bodies.

Teach them the quality of charity and the meaning of service

A great way to reinforce charitable values is to make it a family activity.  Create a family environment where service is natural and encouraged.  It doesn’t always need to involve money or treats.  More often it’s our time that is needed and can make the greatest impact.

Teach them that there is a Power greater than their own

Teach them that they are a child of God; that He knows and loves them personally.  Pray as a family and let them see you praying and improving your own relationship with Him.

Teach them the joy of learning

Read to and with them, especially when they are young.  The more they learn, the more they are in a position to learn.  Encourage their every interest, no matter how fleeting or ridiculous it may seem to you.  A passing sarcastic comment or the smallest negative connotation can absolutely squash a child’s desire to continue learning.

Teach children the sanctity of sex

Teach them the importance of fidelity and family relationships and that marriage is sacred.  Help them understand that every young man and woman is a child of God and that in offending another, they not only demonstrate weakness but also offend God.

Teach them truth by example and precept

Teach them the evils of lying, cheating, and stealing.

Teach them to be honest

Personal integrity is something that must be earned.  We need to help our children understand that choosing not to be honest will only bring distrust from others and leave us wondering if we can even trust ourselves.

Teach them the meaning and importance of love

How crucial it is for our children to feel affection, acceptance, and irrevocable love from their parents.  This is equally important in word and in action.  Let them experience the warmth, security, and support that love entails.

There is no nation that can rise above the strength of its homes or the virtue of its people.  We must move forward with determination to find the goodness and to live these values; the values our society was founded upon.

Adapted from Gordon B. Hinckley’s Standing for Something

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