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37 Lessons I’ve Learned in the Last Year

This past year has been unforgettable. Heck! The last 2 months have been unforgettable. #COVID-19 anyone? And it just so happens to be my birthday this week. As I’ve been reflecting on my life, I realized that this past year alone has taught me a lot.

So to start off my birthday week, I thought I would share 37 lessons I’ve learned in the last year. In no particular order.

1. Dream big! This past year has been a big one for me as I’ve created and launched Latter-Day Woman Magazine. I had so many doubts and even some criticism from others, but I kept my head held high and would have never imagined where it would be today! So grateful!

2. I am stronger than I think. In mid-March, the world twist-turned upside-down with a world-wide pandemic. I suddenly became a teacher of 9th, 7th, 5th, and 3rd grades as well as an emotional pillar for scared and confused children. Add a 5.7 earthquake in there and I felt like I would literally crumble. But we got through it (and still are) and are only getting stronger.

3. Be yourself. The older I get, the more I realize that my thoughts, opinions, and values are nothing to be ashamed of. You do you and don’t worry about the rest.

4. Family is everything. After not being able to see my extended family for quite some time (social distancing), I started to truly cherish every word, every text, and every conversation.

5. Don’t judge. This seems to be a lesson I learn over and over again. But after learning what some people are actually going through, it never does any good to judge. Ever.

6. Just love. On the previous note, all you need is love. Love is all you need.

7. After living through COVID-19, I’ve learned what is essential in life. You don’t need fancy things. But you do need grocers.

8. Good enough is good enough. And it’s almost always better than nothing.

9. You can’t change anyone. But you can change how you think about them. And most importantly, you can only change yourself.

10. Chores literally take like 5 minutes. This one isn’t deep or anything, but I’ve found that almost any household chore takes an average of 10 minutes. Dreading the chore usually takes longer than actually doing it.

11. Be kind. It benefits the giver and the receiver.

12. You have the power to create the world you want. Don’t just react to reality created by others.

13. Teenagers are awesome. I’ve heard this so much as my kids have grown, but now having 2 teens living in my house, I can attest that yes- teenagers are the actual best.

14. Sometimes God doesn’t care. Now hear me out. He cares about you. But sometimes when you are trying to make a life-altering decision, and either choice is fine, He just doesn’t care what you choose. And that might be one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned this year.

15. Be confident. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. But when you keep practicing confidence, it will start to emulate naturally.

16. Invest in experiences. My husband and I waited years and years to finally take a vacation with our kids. We always had an excuse. But those memories are more valuable than almost anything else we could have bought.

17. Build lasting friendships. Keep a close circle of long standing friends and hold on to them tight.

18. 37 is old because we aren’t even half-way done with this list!

19. When you fail, get up and move on. Repeat.

20. There are no grown-ups. I still feel like I’m a teenager trying to figure life out. Only this time when I look around for the adult, I realize it’s me.

21. Apologize to your kids. We “grown-ups” throw tantrums too – they just might look a little different (or maybe not). Acknowledge your mistakes and apologize. Show them the behavior you expect of them.

22. Be generous with your time, talents, words, money, etc. It will never take anything away from you. I promise.

23. Know your pillars. What are the experiences in your life that strengthen you? Write them down. There will be times when your foundation will shake, but remembering your pillars will help you through.

24. Eat your vegetables. As you get older, your insides will thank you.

25. But also, eat cake for breakfast. That’s all I have to say about that.

26. Be grateful every day. Appreciate what you have today before it’s gone tomorrow.

27. Self-compassion is better than any form of self-care. In fact it’s the best form of self-care.

28. I’ve always known the reality of modern day revelation, but I never saw it first-hand so much at one time.

29. Don’t take hugs for granted. Who knew there would be a time when we couldn’t hug our extended families and friends.

30. It’s okay to say no.

31. Find some way to journal regularly. Some like to write, some might scrapbook. Even blogging is a form of journaling. Your history is important.

32. Do one thing every morning for your mind, body, and spirit.

33. Turn off your phone. And spend real time with your family.

34. Nothing is ever as big of a deal as you think it is.

35. And going along with that, no one else thinks about you as much as you do.

36. The key to success is not intelligence or money. It’s faith.

37. And finally, say I Love You every day.

Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

One Response

  1. Love this so much and YOU! Hope your birthday is as amazing as you are! 37 is not old, even though the list feels long 😉

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