It always makes me sad when someone tells me they have no talents or spiritual gifts. They are discouraged and often demeaning with their lack of self-esteem and faith in themselves. Not only does it make me sad, but I believe it makes God sad. For us to conclude that we have no gifts when we judge ourselves by appearance, grade point average, wealth, house square footage, or position, is unfair and unreasonable.
God has given every one of us gifts and talents. It’s up to us to search for them and build upon the ones we have already been given. We are children of Heavenly Parents, made in their image. Everyone matters to Them, and every one has a unique purpose.
“For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God” (D&C 46:11).
We are clearly told that each of us is given spiritual gifts. Do you know what gifts you have been given? Are you seeking to find your gifts?
The list in section 46 is not comprehensive. In fact, I have a list of 72 additional spiritual gifts and I bet you have at least one! Here are a few you might not have thought of:
The gift to ponder
- The gifts of asking
The gift to hear and respond to the still, small voice.
- The gift of listening
The gift to be calm
- The gift of avoiding contention
The gift to study
- The gift of not passing judgment
The gift of being a disciple
The gift of faith
And, perhaps the greatest gift of all, to have charity.
We must remember that to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. It is our right and responsibility to accept our gifts and to share them. Spiritual gifts can guide and enrich our lives. They can help us magnify our calling, help guide us in our relationships, and help us avoid being deceived. I have found that as we seek and strengthen our spiritual gifts, our faith in Him will increase and our true destiny will be fulfilled.
God wants to bless you with spiritual gifts. As you develop and share them, and seek to benefit from the gifts of others, God’s work will move forward and the world will be a better place.
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