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Hindsight is 2020, Looking Forward

I’m not usually one to set New Year resolutions or even set big goals. I’m more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of girl. Go with the flow. Que sera, sera. But I do love reflection, learning, and growth, don’t you?

So, last week I sent an email to my readers (are you on the list?) of 10 things I learned in 2020, as well as 3 reflection questions to consider. I didn’t really elaborate on them because I think self-interpretation is important. But I thought I would use this space to share a few of my thoughts on them.



  1. Basic things are not basic.  I would have never guessed that toilet paper would be the number one hoarding item during a pandemic caused by a virus. I still don’t get it. But all those little necessities are just that: necessities!
  2. People need people. As I’ve gotten older, I have become more and more of an introvert. And although I really enjoy my alone time, I missed gathering with people more than I expected. And virtual gatherings are just a band-aid fix. People, even introverts, need people.
  3. Teachers are blessed angels from on high. I could never be a teacher. I already knew that. But 2020 brought it to a whole new level. I can’t fathom all they have to deal with, but am so grateful for them and all they do.
  4. Anything can change overnight. Health, job security, faith, relationships, toilet paper stock, you name it. You can’t control anything except your thoughts and actions. I guess my resolution would be to work on that.
  5. Always have something to look forward to. When events got cancelled and everyone was quarantined, I found that I had to create things for me and my family to look forward to. Most days were exactly the same. Sometimes I didn’t even know what day it was. But looking forward to something, even if it was as simple as going on a walk, helped a lot.
  6. Home is where the heart is. You could also say that home is what makes the world go round. And not just the physical security of a roof over our heads and walls surrounding us. Home should be our happy place, our anchor, a refuge, and a place to love and feel loved.
  7. Happiness is self created. Holidays, events, and our every day routines looked a lot different in 2020. I remember my kids were nervous about how the 4th of July would be. My husband and I decided to make it the best one yet. Yes, it was different, but it was incredible. Just because life is different, doesn’t mean it can’t be happy. It’s up to you.
  8. Difficult times reveal truth. You might think you know how you’ll handle difficult times when they happen. Personally, I handled things very differently than I expected, good and bad. I think it’s important to reflect on how you handled things this past year and commit to improvement.
  9. Slow down. This past year has forced us to really decide what is important in life. What really matters? I think most of us would agree that busyness does not equal success or happiness. Slow down and enjoy the little things.
  10. Just love. There has been a lot of division this past year. People you love (and even strangers online) might have different opinions, or choose things that you don’t agree with. That doesn’t mean we have to be divided. That doesn’t mean we have to hate. Choose to love.

Here are 3 reflection questions for you to consider. I would love to hear your answers to one or all three of them. Comment on this post or message me on Instagram.

  1. What was the best thing that happened to you in 2020?
  2. What is a spiritual gift or quality you developed?
  3. What is one thing you learned in 2020

Can’t wait to hear your answers. Here’s to a beautiful New Year!

Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

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