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5 Ways You’re Living Beneath Your Privileges


I recently started a deep dive group study of the book, Daughters in My Kingdom (you can still sign up here). I’ve been amazed at the simple revelation I have found in this book concerning modern topics like women and the priesthood, equality, and church history. I see many members of the Church shouting online about the lack of content and knowledge on these hot topics. But it was there all along. And not just in that book. It’s out there. People just don’t know where to look.

President Nelson tells us that the Lord is eager to reveal His mind and will. He encourages each of us to “increase [our] spiritual capacity to receive revelation…. Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”

But many of us are still living way beneath our privileges, for many different reasons. My hope is to address some of them, so we can each take the steps needed to reach our full potential.




Many of us aren’t even aware of our privileges. Some are available to all of us, and some are unique to our different roles, callings, and relationships. The biggest one that I believe most of us could strengthen is the gift of the Holy Ghost. Elder Neal A. Maxwell, “The gift of the Holy Ghost truly is one of the greatest blessings available to members of the Church….Yet, for different reasons, many of us live far below, or unaware of, our privileges.”

Daily abundance of the Spirit helps us in our relationships with one another, guides us to learn and progress intellectually, and promotes real communication with our Father in Heaven. Other privileges include having a living prophet, apostles, the scriptures, personal revelation, the church, callings, church magazines, books, socials, firesides, lessons, music, temples and service projects.

Do you rely on your own strength to face each day? Because you don’t have to. You have access to daily guidance, direction, comfort, and strength.


One of my biggest pet peeves that I see every single day is people seeking answers to important life questions from influencers, life coaches, podcasters, etc. Please don’t get me wrong. I love following my favorite influencers, listening to certain podcasts and have learned new things from life coaches. But where are you seeking first?

Many of us simply don’t realize how every article we read, every podcast we listen to, or every social media post we scroll past has the power to influence our thoughts. President Nelson said, “If we will truly receive the Holy Ghost and learn to discern and understand His promptings, we will be guided in matters large and small.”


We must remember that to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. It is our right and responsibility to accept our gifts and to share them. Spiritual gifts can guide and enrich our lives. They can help us magnify our calling, help guide us in our relationships, and help us avoid being deceived. I have found that as we seek and strengthen our spiritual gifts, our faith in Him will increase and our true destiny will be fulfilled.

God wants to bless you with spiritual gifts. As you develop and share them, and seek to benefit from the gifts of others, God’s work will move forward and the world will be a better place.


We know that the scriptures mention several spiritual gifts such as the gift of tongues, the gift of revelation, and the gift of healing. Furthermore, you may have downloaded my printable, 72 Spiritual Gifts You Can Use to Influence the World. But what if you still don’t know what yours are?

When your friends seem to have foundational faith, but you are full of questions, your gift might be curiosity or hope.

Maybe your spouse is distant or detached and you’ve tried everything to make your marriage thrive, then perhaps you have the gift of devotion.

When everyone seems to vent to you and offload all their problems, maybe you have the gift of understanding.

Think outside the box. And don’t forget that we all have the responsibility to seek spiritual gifts.


Latter-day Saints typically think of the priesthood in terms of presiding authority and ordinances including sealing of families and work for the living and dead. But there is so much more to priesthood authority, power, and potential that both men and women can access.

Let’s not get priesthood keys and priesthood authority confused. Presiding in the Church isn’t dependent upon gender or even ordination but is a matter of the functioning of priesthood keys of presidency.

Both women and men can have priesthood authority. They can both act with priesthood power – the power of God! And through the power of the priesthood, we can all enter back into God’s presence.

Neil L. Andersen said that “As evil increases in the world, there is compensatory spiritual power for the righteous.” That means that as the world gets harder and harder, God pours out more and more power. And you have access to that power. So, stop living beneath your privileges.

Follow Becky on Instagram and Facebook!

One Response

  1. Now that I am in my senior years of life, I feel that I am very responsive to my spiritual gifts. I am Serving a second mission, as a service missionary in the Family History Department, I serve amazing people on this side of the veil as a Leader of a growing group of missionaries and Volunteers working on indexing and other projects. The indexing and other Projects is serving people on the other side of the veil. Serving as the Savior has told me to do through His Prophet is in itself rewarding. Feeling the gift of love from people on both sides of the veil has been a bonus blessing. I am loving the work and the amazing gifts that I have discovered while serving. I would recommend it to any one who senior who has a computer and a willing heart.

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