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Green Flags to Look For When Following Latter-day Saint Influencers

latter-day saint influencers

You may have heard me talk about things to watch out for when following Latter-day Saint influencers, but what about the good things to look for? Whenever I talk about influencers, many people misunderstand me by thinking I am against them. I’m not! But we all walk a very fine line in how we let them influence us, especially when talking about gospel truths. It’s up to us to discern truth from…almost truth.

There’s a lot of things to look out for, which I talk about on Instagram occasionally. But there’s also a lot of positive things to watch for. So, here are 5 green flags to look for when following Latter-day Saint influencers.

latter-day saint influencers

They Sustain Church Leaders

When talking about the prophet or other Church leaders, does this influencer support and defend them? Doing so doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy for them to follow certain counsel, or that they don’t have questions. But it’s dangerous when they start being publicly critical of Church leaders.

They Don’t Change Doctrine to Fit Their Opinion

One thing I see all the time is influencers sharing their opinion as doctrine. It’s not necessarily bad to do that, but as a Latter-day Saint influencer myself, I would always add a disclaimer at the very least. There are so many who look for answers not knowing where to turn, so someone with a platform, large following, and a confident voice can have a big influence. If someone shares something that has not been revealed through correct authority, then it’s not necessarily true. Just remember that. 

“If someone with a platform, large following, and confident voice shares something that has not been revealed through correct authority, it doesn’t necessarily make it true.”

They Encourage Covenant Keeping

Answer this honestly: How many influencers do you see encouraging you to keep your covenants versus saying “it’s okay” if you don’t keep your covenants exactly like we have promised to. “Live your truth.” “My Jesus.” “Be authentically you.” Those are all phrases I see that fundamentally undermine our covenants. 

They Prioritize Personal Revelation

Not only should Latter-day Saint influencers prioritize personal revelation, but they should prioritize the correct framework of personal revelation. Elder Renlund said, “When we operate within the framework, the Holy Ghost can unleash astonishing insight, direction, and comfort. Outside of that framework, no matter our brilliance or talent, we can be deceived and crash and burn.”

An influencer (or anyone for that matter) can’t receive revelation that’s different than revealed doctrine or commandments. If they are preaching something that doesn’t align with with the teachings of the Church, they have been deceived.

They Encourage Gospel Foundations

I see a lot of Latter-day Saint influencers who like to answer gospel-related questions from their followers. I have done this myself. But one thing that I sometimes see that always makes me weary is when these influencers are answering important gospel questions without ever mentioning or encouraging their followers to pray, read the scriptures, or attend the temple. These are fundamental steps in receiving gospel truths. So, I always admire when I see influencers encouraging their followers to stick to gospel foundations.

I hope this short list will be able to help you find Latter-day Saint influencers who are truly trying to bring you closer to Christ. Social media can be a tricky place, but it can also be a wonderful platform to share light. Keep shining!

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